Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The Walking Dead 4x12 Promo "Still" (HD)

The Walking Dead 4x12 "Still" - An enlightened mission springs from a request from one of the group members.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

The Walking Dead 4x11 Promo "Claimed" (HD)

The Walking Dead 4x11 "Claimed" - A number of immediate threats plague Rick. Group members deal with their past.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

TV News (UK): Horror Channel strikes blow with more Hammer double-bills

Plus Adam Green’s HATCHET 2 makes Network premiere cut

Voluptuous vampire vixens, undead slaves, cobra-women, grisly murders and creepy aliens.  Yes, Hammer heaven continues throughout March as the UK’s number one TV destination for all things horror brings you five more Hammer horror double-bills, which broadcast from Sat Mar 1 – Sat Mar 29 from 9.00pm.

Sat 1 March @ 21:00 – THE PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES (1966)

Directed by John Gilling, this is Hammer’s sole foray into the Zombie genre and centres on a mad Cornish squire who solves a labour crisis in his tin mines by turning local villagers into voodoo-controlled zombies. Dr. Thompson (Brook Williams) and his daughter Alice (Jacqueline Pearce) soon discover the unpleasant nocturnal habits of the shambling undead slaves, and Sir James Forbes (André Morell) arrives to investigate.

Sat 1 March  @  22:45 – CAPTAIN KRONOS – VAMPIRE HUNTER (1974)

Considered one of the last great Hammer films, this swash-buckling vampire yarn, features a master swordsman, a former soldier and his hunchbacked assistant who hunt vampires, became a cult classic. Written and directed by Brian Clemens, it stars Horst Janson in the title role, along with John Carson, Shane Briant and Caroline Munro. It was originally the pilot for a planned television series.

Sat 8 March @ 21.00 – THE REPTILE (1966)

Directed by John Gilling. the story centres on the hostile Dr. Franklin (Noel Willman), who hides in a mansion in Cornwall with his frightened daughter Anna (Jacqueline Pearce). Unknown to his neighbours, Franklin had been investigating a secret tribe of snake-people on his last trip to Borneo, and they reacted to his intrusion by making Anna one of them. As a result, she turns into a hideous cobra-woman every winter

Sat 8 March @ 22.45 – QUATERMASS AND THE PIT (1967)

Based on the BBC serial of the same name, and directed by  Roy Ward Baker, this science-fiction horror stars Andrew Keir as Professor Bernard Quatermass, who discovers an ancient Martian spacecraft in the London Underground.  The spacecraft has an intelligence of its own and once uncovered begins to exert a malign influence on the human psyche. Mayhem breaks out on the streets of London as the alien force grows in strength

Sat 15 March @21:00 – THE WITCHES (1966)

A schoolteacher, Gwen Mayfield, (Joan Fontaine) has a nervous breakdown after being exposed to witchcraft while teaching as a missionary in Africa. In an effort to recover, she becomes head teacher of a small private school in a rural English village. But Gwen soon detects a sinister undercurrent beneath the pleasantries of village life and discovers an active voodoo cult preying on a 14 year-old girl…

Sat 15 March @  22:45 – DEMONS OF THE MIND (1972)

Baron Zorn (Robert Hardy) keeps his two incestuous grown-up children locked up and separated, afraid that they will go mad – a fate that beset his deceased wife. He invites a doctor of dubious reputation (Patrick Magee) to supervise his son and daughter’s mental health. Meanwhile, in the vicinity of the house, grisly murders are happening...Directed by Peter Sykes, the film is based on the life of Franz Mesmer.

Sat 22 Feb @ 21:00 – DR. JEKYLL & SISTER HYDE (1971)

Dr Martine Beswick brings a chilling conviction to the spidery Sister Hyde. Directed by Roy Ward Baker and co-starring Ralph Bates, the film is seen as Hammer’s most successful attempt to combine gore and eroticism, taking advantage of the newly allowed freedom by censors. Beswick was a favourite of the film director Terence Young who cast her in two Bond films. A remake of the film is reportedly under consideration.

Sat 22 March @ 22:55 – LUST FOR A VAMPIRE (1971)

Yutte Stensgaard only appeared in one Hammer film but made quite an impression with male viewers as the predatory Mircalla who, as a member of the Karnstein Vampire Dynasty, bites her way through the pupils of a ladies finishing school. Directed by Jimmy Sangier and also starring Ralph Bates, Barbara Jefford and Suzanne Leigh, the film has developed a huge cult following around the world.

Sat 29 March @ 21.00 – THE HORROR OF FRANKENSTEIN (1970)

Academically gifted but arrogant and amoral, Victor Frankenstein (Ralph Bates) will stop at nothing, not even patricide, to achieve his goal of recreating human life. He builds a man monster (played by David Browse) made up of a collection of spare body parts but when his handiwork turns out to have homicidal tendencies, he is happy to use this to his own ends rather than realise he has gone too far.

Sat 29 March @ 22:50 – RASPUTIN: THE MAD MONK (1966)

Thrown out of his monastery for licentious and drunken behaviour, Rasputin (played by Christopher Lee), travels to St Petersburg to try his luck. Through a dalliance with one of the czarina's ladies in waiting he soon gains influence at court with his powers of healing and of hypnotism. But he also makes enemies who wish to see him dead. Directed by Don Sharp, the film is only loosely based on historical fact. .


Fri 28 March @ 22:50 – HATCHET 2 (2010) – Network Premiere

Adam Green’s sequel picks up right where the splatter-tastic original ended, Marybeth (Danielle Harris) escapes the clutches of the deformed, swamp-dwelling iconic killer Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder). After learning the truth about her family’s connection to the hatchet-wielding madman, Marybeth returns to the Louisiana swamps along with an army of hunters to recover the bodies of her family and exact the bloodiest revenge against the bayou butcher. Also stars Tony Todd and Tom Holland.

TV: Sky 319 / Virgin 149 / Freesat 138
www.horrorchannel.co.uk | twitter.com/horror_channel

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Machete Kills Trailer and Information

In MACHETE KILLS, Danny Trejo returns as ex-Federale agent MACHETE, who is recruited by the President of the United States for a mission which would be impossible for any mortal man - he must take down a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has hatched a plan to spread war and anarchy across the planet.

Friday, 7 February 2014

The Walking Dead - Season 4 Unanswered Questions

Spoiler Alert! Chris and Roth talk about the lingering questions heading into Walking Dead's Season 4 return. Warning! Comics are discussed!

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Interview with Duncan Long by David Kempf

Duncan Long has created book cover artwork and illustrations for HarperCollins, Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, PS Publishing, Pocket Books, Solomon Press, American Media, Ilex, ISFiC Press, Moonstone Books, Fort Ross, Enslow Publishers, and many other small presses, indie publishers, and self-publishing book authors. He has been selected by the Collaborative Summer Library Program as a featured illustrator for 2013.

Tell us how you became interested in illustration & art. 

Well, I’ve just always been drawing since I can first remember. At about three I was creating figures (not just stick figures but with volume in their arms and legs) and captioning them with “pop” and “ow” as they shot each other (yes, a violent little child).

From there on illustrations has just a part of my life like eating or sleeping and it was more “life” than an interest in life, I guess.

When I saw a chance to start making a living as a writer/illustrator, I jumped at the chance, discovering my ability to add illustrations landed a lot of extra work. Eventually I sort of migrated to mostly illustration work rather than writing or writing and illustrating my own work.

Why the interest in book covers for horror fiction?

My mom always read books to me (and my sister), so books have been a big part of our lives. And for me, often the covers were often an important part of that experience that I grew to love.

While my mom didn’t read horror books to us per se, we were exposed to some of the old fairytales, Bible stories, and science fiction novels — and many of those stories have elements that are pretty terrifying even for adults, especially in the case of some of the old German fairytales.

What has helped you improve your craft?

I’m pretty much self-taught, though my dad (who is also a writer and sometimes drawer) gave me some pointers early on that got me started in the right direction.

I think studying art by other artists is always a way to grow, and the Internet really opens up the world to us today.

But mostly my techniques have slowly improved because I keep drawing, painting, and so forth. That’s what really enables and artist to get better. The craft end of artwork is important, and in many ways it’s simply a matter of the hours you put into it. The more work you do, the better you get.

When a certain level of skill is finally achieved, you can just produce what you want to see without having to struggle with the “how-to” of doing the work. Your fingers just know what to do to make it happen.

What do you consider your greatest achievement as an artist so far?

I’m not sure an artist is the best judge of the value of his work. And I tend to see my most recent work as my best.

I think I could argue just being more or less constantly employed as a freelance illustrator is my best achievement. I often see really talented artists (and writers and musicians) scrounging for work and my heart just about breaks for them and then I have a “there but for the Grace of God” moment when I realize a lot of what a person sees as “achievement” is a matter of being in the right place at the right time, ready to seize the opportunities that are presented.

So I guess my achievement might be one of “keeping on keeping on.” Generating more paintings and bringing in more-or-less steady income.

Do you work with more mainstream or self-published independent authors?

Well, I’ve seen a shift from large publishers to “indie” authors and small presses over the last ten years. Many people don’t realize it, but there’s really been quite an upheaval in the publishing industry over the last few decades, with a big shift from traditional publishing through agents and established presses to self-publishing via POD (print on demand) and ebooks.

I’m not sure where we’re headed in publishing, but it is most certainly an exciting ride getting there.

Have your political or philosophical views shaped your art in some way?

I suppose so. I’m sure of it, in fact. I don’t know how it could be otherwise. I’m a person who likes to see the good in people, but I also believe there are truly evil people in the world who will cut your throat as soon as look at you. So some of my artwork is pretty dark as I come to grips with that truth, and as I try to force people to see that there are two sides to human beings, both a goodness but also a monstrous waiting to get out if we let it.

I also tend to bring in “references” from mythology, the Bible, and elsewhere in some of my work. So sometimes what might on its surface be a science fiction, horror, or whatever picture may have some classical ideas behind it.

For example, I have a rather chilling picture of a robot holding a skull (for Stephen Quayle’s upcoming Xenogenesis book). Those familiar with Shakespeare often realize it is a not-too-obtuse reference to the scene in Hamlet “Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him well.”

Which writers (whom you have worked with) have inspired you the most?

That’s a hard one. Most art directors and self-publishing authors come into a job with some pretty good ideas, so it’s hard to single anyone out and say one or another one was been the most inspiring.

Right now, the work I’m doing to help illustrate Steven Quayle’s upcoming Xenogenesis has probably been the most interesting. Ditto for Jeremy Turner’s Animal Tales. These illustrations are black and white and getting the subject matter to be clear to the eye while having a lot of detail is tricky. So from that standpoint, these have really pushed my limits and forced me to develop some new techniques to deal with the challenges involved.

What is your most frightening book cover?

For art directors, those I sent in that weren’t what they wanted (ha).

But, actually, I think a cover illustration I did for Lamplighter magazine (and the twist here is that it’s a religious publication) probably would be the one I find most frightening. Called “The Serpent’s Curse,” it pictures Satan in the Garden of Eden, shaking his fist at (apparently) God with the lower half of his body being serpent-like. I find it almost obscene to look at and for some reason frightening. Possibly, I’m the only one that considers this horrifying or frightening — but I do.

For horror book artwork, I think my “Ghostly Things” is probably my most frightening to date. (It was recently purchased by Mary Maddox for an upcoming novel, and I’m afraid I don’t know what title it will be published under).

“Sometimes Darkness Wins” is another I find spooky. I sold the rights to it to Adam Wright for his novel Down to Earth.

My wife finds the cover I did for Black Beast by R S Guthrie most frightening, but only because the guy in the front is a self-portrait. (And some might argue the demon behind him is a self-portrait as well.)

I find in general the artwork that falls into the “uncanny valley” of being almost but not quite human is the most frightening for me. A “beautiful person” who you happen to notice has a little too much glow in the eye, a tooth that is a little too pointed, etc., tends to scare the heck out me.

What is your most bizarre/surreal book cover?

“Agendas” — but no one has ever purchased the rights to it. Possibly it’s too strange. I may soon make a print of it as I suspect a lot of people might like hanging a copy on their walls as a conversation piece.

Name some of your favorite horror books.

Poe’s books of short stories have really stood the test of time and I enjoy them. Some of Stephen King’s works are pretty captivating; The Tommy Knockers comes to mind (though I suppose some might classify it as science fiction). I like some of the genre-bending stories like some of the stuff Harry Turtledove writes.

I tend to like psychological terror rather than blood and guts stories whether with books or movies. Blood and guts always seems like an easy out for a writer and I just don’t enjoy those stories.

Name some of your favorite horror movies. 

Alien and Aliens while technically science fiction really work as horror movies (I think). I still find parts of the old Frankenstein and Dracula (with Bela Lugosi) movies frightening — though overall these two are a bit tedious for those of us who enjoy more fast-paced work.

The Haunting (which is a remake of The Haunting of Hill House which I enjoyed as a kid, but not so much now) has some wonderful scenery even though its thrills and chills are a tad thin perhaps. The old 1963 film The Haunting (created from one of Shirly Jackson’s horror novels) as has this same sort of feel with some good chills — especially where the doors are bending in with some ghostly weight, an effect that since has been copied a lot but which was new at that time.

Poltergeist is good, though it has some of the Steven Spielberg slickness that I find a little distracting (don’t get me wrong — he makes bang-up movies).

The original Japanese version of The Ring definitely has a high creep factor, especially with the ending they have on the movie. Blair Witch Project was a nice one-off story that worked well, but it seems like all others attempting such films have been destined to failure to date (at least for me).

The original Psycho has stood the test of time, and being in B&W adds a certain interest to the movie — Alfred Hitchcock’s camera work is always amazing to watch.

What are your current projects?

Bunches on the burners. Right now laying out and perhaps making more illustrations for Quayle’s Xenogenesis is going to be the biggest project. Animal Tales (which is NOT horror) is also going to be a major bit of work since I’m laying out the cover and text as well as creating illustrations for it.

I also have several science fiction and horror illustration projects including one involving a diabolical black cat and a Ouija board that promises to be challenging due to the perspective the author wants for it.

Please in your own words write a paragraph about yourself & your work.

I’ve done cover artwork for HarperCollins, Amazing Stories, Pocket Books, Ilex, Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, PS Publishing, Moonstone Books, Enslow Publishers, and many other presses as well as self-publishing authors.

Last year, I had the honor of being selected as one of the 2013 Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) featured illustrators.

Bottom line: I’m a pretty average guy blessed with a little talent and bunches of “lucky breaks” who has the good fortune to make his living doing what he really loves doing.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

FILM NEWS ( UK ): 21 January 2014 - FrightFest Glasgow

Film4 FrightFest Glasgow 2014 announces 4 day event to include eight World, European and UK premieres, Ti West special event and Sunday repeat screenings in biggest programme ever

From Thursday Feb 27 to Sunday March 2, the UK ’s favourite horror fantasy festival returns to its second home at the Glasgow Film Festival for the 9th year with an impressive slate of the hottest new horror films.

Welcome to a long weekend of wonderful weirdness as Film4 FrightFest Glasgow enters a world of, gritty serial killers, stark staring horror, comic book thrills and spills, favourite maniacs, sci-fi delirium, doc shock and mind-bending mystery.

Some of FrightFest’s favourite filmmakers take centre-stage this year, including Ti West, who has teamed up with producer Eli Roth for the cult of the damned shocker THE SACRAMENT. As well as screening the film, FrightFest’s Alan Jones will be talking to Ti at a special presentation on Thursday February 27 at the GFT Screen 2.

FrightFest also welcomes director Jake West and producer Marc Morris, who will be  introducing the world premiere of VIDEO NASTIES: DRACONIAN DAYS, their sequel to the critically acclaimed VIDEO NASTIES: MORAL PANIC, CENSORSHIP & VIDEOTAPE documentary. It promises to provide even more engaging knowledge and sobering insight into the heinous blot on 1980s film culture. The screening will be followed by a (no doubt) lively panel discussion.

FrightFest is also hosting the world premiere of THE SCRIBBLER, based on Dan Shaffer’s bestselling graphic novel featuring a super-hot cast. Director John Suits, producer of CHEAP THRILLS, will be in attendance.

As will Jordan Barker, director of the terrific sucker punch home invasion chiller TORMENT, starring Katharine Isabelle, which will receive its European premiere,

Also attending is Indiana writer/director Zack Parker, with the UK premiere of his extraordinary film PROXY, a daring and highly original chiller. Parker has slowly been building a following with INEXCHANGE, QUENCH and SCALENE and will be flying in from the USA to talk about his burgeoning career.

Other UK premieres on show are the bigger and wickeder WOLF CREEK 2 and KILLERS, a dark, twisted tale from the Mo Brothers duo of Kimo Stamboel and Timo Tjahjanto.  Then there are two highly impressive feature debuts - Cliff Prowse and Derek Lee’s AFFLICTED, a clever spin on the found-footage trend and Spanish director Jorge Dorado’s probing, twisty MINDSCAPE starring Mark Strong.

Plus there are Scottish premieres for the Sci-fi shocker ALMOST HUMAN directed by Joe Begos and director Michael S. Ojeda’s provocative and compelling SAVAGED.

Alan Jones, co-director, said today: “Connections and detections. That’s what Film4 FrightFest is essentially about at its core and it’s the prime focus of our ninth event at this year’s Glasgow Film Festival. It’s our epic fifteenth year in business as the UK ’s leading horror fantasy festival and in that time we’ve launched a number of now well-known talents on the genre scene. So we thought it entirely appropriate to celebrate that fact at our much-loved Scottish home with a host of films from those filmmakers we have discovered, encouraged and promoted throughout the years”.

With surprises on screen and off, and the festival’s unique community feeling, FrightFest at the GFF has now become a must-attend occasion on the horror fantasy fan's calendar.

Promo trailer:

The full line-up

THURS 27 FEB – GFT Screen 2

21:00 IN CONVERSATION WITH TI WEST (Special event)

Nobody does nostalgia-brushed spookiness and minimalist horror like independent director Ti West, King of the slow-burn shocker. FrightFest has been there from the very start – our video label released his 2005 debut feature THE ROOST – and we’ve watched with pride as the Delaware-born quirky talent has grown in global genre stature through THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL, THE INNKEEPERS, V/H/S and now his game-changing Eli Roth produced THE SACRAMENT. Join us for this very special FrightFest event in which West will talk candidly to film critic and author Alan Jones about his extraordinary career, his influences and exciting future plans.

90 mins. Hosted by FrightFest’s Alan Jones

FRI 28 FEB – GFT Screen 1

13:30  SAVAGED  (Scottish Premiere)

THE CROW meets I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE in a viciously gory supernatural shocker. Travelling across country to be with her fiancé, deaf mute Zoe (the entrancing Amanda Adrienne) stumbles on a horrific crime. Zoe’s brave attempt to intervene seals her fate; she's brutalized and left for dead. When an Indian shaman finds her clinging to life in a shallow grave he attempts to save her – but in the mystical process the spirit of an ancient Apache warrior enters her corpse hell-bent on revenge. But can she slaughter the men who attacked her in time before her body decomposes completely?

Director: Michael S. Ojeda   US 2013  95 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Amanda Adrienne, Tom Ardavany, Ronnie Gene Blevins

15:40 PROXY ( UK Premiere)

Attacked and beaten by a hooded assailant after seeing her gynaecologist, pregnant Esther seeks consolation in a support group where she meets Melanie, a mother who lost a child. But nothing is as it appears in this intensely gripping chiller because one of these damaged women is a psychodrama queen, the other seriously deranged. However, which one is which and where to draw the line? Friendship and empathy between the two turns dangerous for both in an astonishing delve into perverse psychosis that’s part Brian de Palma, part Lars Von Trier, part MARTYRS yet all astonishing and disturbing original.

Director: Zack Parker  US 2013  120 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Alexia Rasmussen, Alexa Havins, Kristina Klebe

18:45  WOLF CREEK 2 ( UK Premiere)

Mick Taylor is back with a few days to kill! Bolder, gorier and placed on a far bigger canvas than the original Ozploitation classic, star John Jarratt and director Greg McLean return with an even more twisted sequel that maintains the savagery and nerve-jangling tension, while dazzling further with a spectacular and surprising use of Down Under landscapes and fauna. Two arrogant cops, two unwitting German backpackers and a Good Samaritan British tourist become the prey for the crazed pig-shooting psycho as the outback becomes drenched in rivers of blood and his underground lair reveals even sicker secrets.

Director: Greg McLean  Australia 2013  107 mins  Cert 18

Cast: John Jarratt, Ryan Corr, Shannon Ashlyn

21:15  THE SACRAMENT (Scottish Premiere)

From the darkest imagination of indie poster boy Ti West, and produced by genre guru Eli Roth, comes THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL director’s freakiest chiller so far. Two reporters with a TV exposé show travel to a secret para-religious group to meet up with their fashion photographer friend’s sister, a reformed junkie, who credits turning her life around at the jungle-set Eden Parish commune run by the charismatic Father. Is the place a paradise on Earth free of cares, racism and stress? Or is it a sinister cult the news duo suspect? Hold on tight for suspenseful, jolting surprise.

Director: Ti West  US 2013 92 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Joe Swanberg, AJ Bowen, Amy Seimetz

23:30  AFFLICTED ( UK Premiere)

Just when you’d thought the ‘found footage’ trend had snatched its final breath...up pops another stellar example to expose there still is untapped craftsmanship and creativity to be found in this fear-inducing format. The winner of the Best Special

Effects Award at the Sitges Fantasy Festival for its jaw-dropping visuals, two best friends see their world trip of a lifetime take a dark turn when one is struck by a mysterious illness that changes his metabolism making him superhuman. A clever spin on a classic scary story, dual-threat Cliff Prowse and Derek Lee make an impressive horror feature debut.

Directors: Cliff Prowse, Derek Lee  Canada/US 2013  86 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Cliff Prowse, Derek Lee, Edo Van Breeman

SAT 1 MARCH – GFT Screen 1

11:00  VIDEO NASTIES: DRACONIAN DAYS  (World Premiere)

The highly anticipated follow-up to their critically acclaimed VIDEO NASTIES: MORAL PANIC, CENSORSHIP & VIDEOTAPE documentary, director Jake West and producer Marc Morris continue uncovering the shocking story of home entertainment post the 1984 Video Recordings Act. A time when Britain plunged into a new Dark Age of the most restrictive censorship, where the horror movie became the bloody eviscerated victim of continuing dread created by self-aggrandizing moral guardians. With passionate and entertaining interviews from the people who lived through it and more jaw dropping archive footage, get ready to reflect and rejoice the passing of a landmark era.

Director: Jake West   UK 2014  80 mins  Cert 18

13:30  THE SCRIBBLER (World Premiere)

Based on writer artist Dan (DOGHOUSE) Shaffer’s celebrated graphic novel comes a thrilling blend of sci-fi action, film noir and mind-bending slasher.  Dealing with multiple-personality disorder, Suki moves into a halfway house for recently released mental patients. But residents are dying at an alarming rate in the facility as dissociative Suki undergoes an experimental procedure to cure her illness involving ‘The Siamese Burn’ machine designed to eliminate her unwanted identities. But she's losing time, and the machine is changing, doing something new, something that turns her world inside out and highlights the dangers of mechanical thinking in an organic world.

Director: John Suits  US 2014  88 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Katie Cassidy, Michelle Trachtenberg, Eliza Dushku

16:00 TORMENT (European Premiere)

Newlyweds Cory and Sarah Morgan head to the country for some much-needed family time where they hope Liam, Cory’s struggling 7-year-old son from his previous marriage, will learn to accept his stepmother. But arriving at their home they discover someone has been living there while they were away.  After speaking with the Sheriff they assume the intruders have moved on, however when Liam disappears they discover just how wrong they were. For they must confront a deranged family of killers who have been hiding in the house all along and are now holding Liam in their sadistic cult-like grip.

Director: Jordan Barker  Canada 2013  90 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Peter DaCunha, Katharine Isabelle, Stephen McHattie

18:30  MINDSCAPE  ( UK Premiere)

John is a mind detective, paid to enter people’s memories and uncover the reality behind crimes. It’s down to people like him to explore the shadows of the psyche sifting out selective fact from false recognition fiction. But what will he make of his new assignment, the brilliant, troubled and allegedly sexually abused teenager Anna? As John enters her mind and becomes more involved in her total recall, he must decide if she is indeed the victim of unspeakable trauma or a very clever and manipulative sociopath. Produced by Jaume Collet-Serra (ORPHAN, UNKNOWN, NON-STOP), can you guess the twist ending?

Director: Jorge Dorado  US/Spain2013  95 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Mark Strong, Taissa Famiga, Brian Cox

21:00  ALMOST HUMAN (Scottish Premiere)

Mark Fisher disappeared from home in a blinding blue light flash. His friend Seth Hampton was the last person to see him alive. Two years later, a series of atrocious, grisly murders leads Seth to believe that Mark has somehow returned, but changed into something different, strange… not of this world. Mark has indeed become a humanoid alien receptacle for evil - and the last place you should look is in his cellar. The surprise hit at Toronto Midnight Madness, this short, sharp shock of super-violent scares and sci-fi splatter announces director Joe Begos’ arrival as an exciting genre talent.

Director: Joe Begos  US  2013  80 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Graham Skipper, Vanessa Leigh, Josh Ethier

23:15  KILLERS ( UK Premiere)

Join The Mo Brothers (MACABRE) on a dark voyage into the warped minds of two men with nothing in common: Nomura, a self-obsessed serial killer residing in Tokyo who posts his sick handiwork on the internet, and Bayu, a failing journalist and struggling father in Jakarta who turns sadistic vigilante. Connected through their violent blood-soaked incidents, both men inexplicably start to feed off each other. But as their lives become more uncontrollable, each of them starts a shocking journey into a toxic maze of violent self-discovery. Fresh from Sundance comes this twisted tale by NIGHTMARE DETECTIVE producer Ushiyama Takuji.

Directors: Kimo Stamboel, Timo Tjahjanto  Indonesia /Japan 2013  140 mins  Cert 18
Cast: Ray Sahetapy, Oka Antara, Rin Takanashi

SUN 2 MARCH – Cineworld Renfrew St Screen 7

Repeat screenings

16:00    WOLF CREEK 2
21:00    KILLERS

To book tickets:
+44 (0)141 332 6535 / boxoffice@glasgowfilm.org

Passes: £70 - for all eleven films on Fri 28 Feb and Sat 1 March
Single tickets: £8.50, £6.50 (concession) for ‘In Conversation with Ti West’ event on Thurs 27 Feb and the five Sunday repeat screenings on Sun 2 March.

Please note that there are no single tickets available for the Friday and Saturday films.

For further information:  www.frightfest.co.uk