Monday, 11 March 2013

The Walking Dead 3x14 Sneak Peek "Prey"

The Walking Dead 3x14 "Prey" - The Governor chases a fleeing dissenter; while the Governor is gone, a traitor tries to sabotage his plans.

Talking Walking Dead - "Arrow On The Doorstep" Episode Review

Spoiler Alert! Eric and Joey discuss the episode that finally brought Rick and The Governor face to face.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

The Walking Dead - Norman Reedus PaleyFest 2013 Interview

IGN chats with The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus on Daryl Dixon's future, and if he thinks his character should take up the leadership mantle.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The Walking Dead - Gale Anne Hurd PaleyFest 2013 Interview

IGN chats with The Walking Dead producer Gale Anne Hurd about the shake-ups on set, who may become a leader and the end of Season 3.

Monday, 4 March 2013

The Walking Dead 3x13 Promos "Arrow on the Doorpost"

The Walking Dead 3x13 "Arrow on the Doorpost" - Rick and the Governor have a lot to talk about when they meet in this second sneak peek clip from The Walking Dead 3x13 'Arrow on the Doorpost' airing March 10th on AMC.

Behind the Scenes Of The Walking Dead 3x12 "Clear"