Friday 30 April 2021

Wolfcop (2014) - Full Movie - Starring Jesse Moss, Amy Matysio, Jonathan Cherry, Sarah Lind, Aidan Devine, Corrine Conley and Leo Fafard

WolfCop is a 2014 Canadian superhero comedy horror film written and directed by Lowell Dean and starring Jesse Moss, Amy Matysio, Jonathan Cherry, Sarah Lind, Aidan Devine, Corrine Conley and Leo Fafard.

It's not unusual for alcoholic cop Lou to black out and wake up in unfamiliar surroundings, but lately things have taken a turn for the strange...and hairy. WolfCop is the story of one cop's quest to become a better man. One transformation at a time.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Aftershock (2013) - Full Movie - Starring Eli Roth


In Santiago, the American Gringo is spending vacation with his Chilean friends Ariel and the wealthy and influent Pollo. They meet the Russian tourists Irina, the promiscuous Kylie and her protective sister Monica and Pollo invites them to go with his friends and him to Valparaiso. During the night, they go to a nightclub but an earthquake collapses the club and there is a warning of tsunami. The group tries to find a safe place in the middle of the chaos. Meanwhile a nearby prison also collapses and dangerous criminals escape. When they see the women on the streets, they hunt them down along the nightmarish night.

Stars: Eli Roth, Ariel Levy, Nicolás Martínez 

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Southbound (2015) - Full Movie

Southbound was included on numerous Best Horror Films of 2016 lists including those by Rolling Stone, Buzzfeed and the Thrillist. 

In a desolate stretch of desert highway, weary travelers - two men on the run from their past, a band on their way to the next gig, a man struggling to get home, a brother in search of his long-lost sister and a family on vacation - are forced to confront their worst fears and darkest secrets in these interwoven tales of terror and remorse on the open road.

Stars: Chad Villella, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Kristina Pesic 

Rated R for bloody horror violence, language throughout and brief drug use

Monday 26 April 2021

Interview with Howard J Ford - Director of The Lockdown Hauntings

“I am a believer in using what you have as an indie film-maker and I had a global pandemic! There was a sudden influx of fear, isolation and anxiety. I wondered, could I do anything cinematic with that?” 

Ahead of the UK digital release of his latest film THE LOCKDOWN HAUNTINGS on May 3, director & writer Howard J Ford talks about being a one-man crew, casting Tony Todd, his do-it-yourself SFX kit and losing his uncle to the Pandemic.

You shot THE LOCKDOWN HUNTINGS during the UK’s first lockdown. Was the COVID-19 outbreak the inspiration? If so, why a ghost story?

Howard: It absolutely was. I am a believer in using what you have as an indie film-maker and I had a global pandemic! There was a sudden influx of fear, isolation and anxiety. I wondered, could I do anything cinematic with that?  I then heard that the virus is not even alive, yet this not-living thing was out there taking lives and not only that, it was INVISIBLE!   None of us knew how close this deadly thing was to them… I wondered, could I weave that into a plot, then it hit me.. A ghostly killer. That’s something could do!

Although it can be described as a supernatural horror thriller, at heart lie some interesting issues around spiritual belief, our relationship with the dead and the need to forgive. Were these themes always at the heart of the script or did they evolve during filming?

Howard: Thanks. I do love layers in whatever I am making, so I love trying to find out what could be underneath, what is at the heart of it so to speak. And in the beginnings of lockdown there was all this anger and blame as to whose fault it was that we found ourselves where we are and I felt we all needed some healing elements so I wanted to find a way of getting this in there.

You shot the film single-handedly. What was the both the biggest challenge and the most liberating aspect?

Howard: Yes, I quickly realised that if I was going to pull this film off during lockdown, I would not be able to have anyone with me at all. That and staying two metres away from any actors it was really a challenge. Firstly, I needed to find out if actors would let me film in their homes and a social media post gave me my answers and who was up for it. Then I picked what I felt were the absolute best cast from that. The liberating thing was, so long as the actors were ok with it, I was free to take the film in whatever direction I felt it should go at the time without having to consult a single person. I recall one moment sitting in my car outside a Tesco’s garage having shot with one actor in the morning and about to set off to another, I had a sandwich which cost £2.61 and as I finished it I realised, I just fed the whole crew for less than 3 quid!

The casting of Tony Todd is inspirational. How did that come about? And the acting, in general, is great. Good to see a vibrant Angela Dixon on our screens again. Was casting a difficult operation given the restrictions that were in place then?

Howard: I love Tony Todd so much and I was SO thrilled when I realised he might come on board The Lockdown Hauntings. I had met Mr Todd on a flight to LA, by ‘chance’ some years back, we were sat next to each other and we spent many hours talking about all sorts of amazing things. He’s really a lovely guy and very deep and pun’s-aside, time flew by. I had also soon after that worked with John Rhys-Davies on a champagne film of all things and then found out they had the same manager, a super chap called Jeff Goldberg so we re-connected, then when I was about to go forward with ‘The Lockdown Hauntings’ and needed to cast Jordan Myers the main paranormal expert, I kind of meditated over who would be the absolute best person to do this and I thought, ‘go big’, then BOOM. Tony Todd appeared in my head and I thought, it’s a long shot but what the heck, give Jeff a call, and it all fell into place from there.

Angela Dixon is always great to work with and she went through so much on ‘Never Let Go’, which was not an easy shoot I felt she might like to do something totally different and she seemed to love the idea too and also helped fill in some of the many gaps I had on dialogue and things as I was too busy making the film to properly write it. The cast were so fabulous on this film and somehow we all just got on with it, no messing about, we just hit go and did our best within the circumstances.

Given you had no crew to assist, how did you manage to achieve the numerous special effects that run all the way through the movie?

Howard: I realised I might have to go back to basics on many aspects and I have to be honest, I’m not a fan of big CGI films as I always find it hard to believe the world no matter how impressive, so I thought, well, what would they have done on ‘The Exorcist’, or ‘The Omen’, two films that scared the heck out of me, sometimes with moments that were not full of SFX.. So I re-looked into the ‘old school’ way of doing things and read stories of people pushing furniture around and things being pulled with fishing wire and air machines etc, so I made myself an SFX kit and tried to do as much as possible practically. In post, I do have some fab CGI chaps and I hope between us we can still shock and jolt you and even surprise you in all sorts of places.

You sadly lost your uncle during this period. Did that having a bearing on the project?

Howard: I did, to the virus too.  It was the weirdest thing as no one could attend and we had to watch his funeral on what looked like a kind of YouTube video, all our family folks in separate homes too. I watched some people I’d never met carry his coffin up the aisle and read some words from the family. Play a couple of his favourite songs, some I remember him playing when I was at his flat in London writing my early scripts, then he was gone. This was the guy that got me into fitness, but he enjoyed his life and I felt he would have said to me, just go do it.

Moving away from THE LOCKDOWN HAUNTINGS…before the pandemic struck you completed filming on THE LEDGE. Can you tell us a bit about the film?

Howard: Yes, ‘The Ledge’ which is a bit of a female cliff-hanger was a totally different production scenario. We had a crew of like 64 people and a far bigger set up. Which is great in one way, but unlike ‘The Lockdown Hauntings,’ you can’t change direction or suddenly decide to do this instead of that, or I’d have had my ass fired straight away! Ha.  I actually shot ‘The Lockdown Hauntings’ just before I flew off to do ‘The Ledge’, so both films were made in Lockdown. ‘The Ledge’ is a nail biting thriller/horror written by Tom Boyle and produced by Evolution/GFM whom I worked with on the distribution/sales of ‘The Lockdown Hauntings’. It’s a very high-concept, exciting  story of one female climber stuck high up on the side of a mountain fighting off four killers on a ledge twenty feet above her. It will be getting some great theatrical releases but not for some months after ‘The Lockdown Hauntings’.

The inevitable question but it needs to be asked. Will ‘The Dead’ be walking again?

Howard: Well, by brother Jon and I do discuss it every now and then and we will consider doing ‘The Dead 3’ if the situation was right. If it happens, it will not be for a few more years. They are painful films to make and very nearly killed us for real.

ADVENTURE BOYZ, your all-action family thriller, starred you and your two sons. A thespian one-off or are there ambitions for the Fords to get in front of the camera again?

Howard: Now that’s a film full of love. I made that the summer before the lockdown as I felt we already had a global disaster on our hands. That disaster being that all our children, and probably us too were relying far too much on our devices and not getting out into the real world where the real joys are, so I made ‘Adventure Boyz’ and cast my own two boys in it as I wanted to see if my story could incentivise them, and any other kids around the world to ‘get off their devices and get out there’! Sadly it came out following a lovely theatrical run as the world was told to get indoors and get on zoom! Maybe it will be re discovered. Was fun to act in too, I was never meant to be in it quite so much but I was just so available! Felix is in The Lockdown Hauntings, his third feature film before he was 10!

Finally, what’s coming up for you?

Howard: Well I’m actually moving forward right now with ‘The Lockdown Hauntings 2: Second Wave’! I’ve already shot some sequences and will be doing the rest over the next couple of months or so. Hope to reveal more in Cannes. That and a couple of other projects including another supernatural film I have written called ‘Indelible’. I also have a TV series, ‘Echo Road’ I have been developing. Other than that, let’s all enjoy some life in case we get locked-down again! With ‘The Lockdown Hauntings’ I hope it’s a very different way of reflecting on lockdown and our journey through it.


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Friday 23 April 2021

Interview with Arvi Ragu - Director of Cerebrum

Arvi Ragu’s new film CEREBRUM, premiering Sunday April 25 at WorldFest Houston, had to be based on plausible science, as the filmmaker tells us in this insightful interview.

Congratulations on the film. When did you come up with the idea for it?

Thank you!

While ordering Christmas gifts on Amazon a few years ago, I realized the company recommended products based on my purchasing behavior.  The notion of a computer predicting my buying habits intrigued me.  I wondered how long after my death the predictions would continue.  The idea contorted to become a thought experiment about the effect of digital memory existing beyond a body’s death.

And did the script change much, over the course of developing the script?

Originally, a scientist “resurrected” his girlfriend by loading her social media and digital content onto someone else’s brain.  A cool idea, I reckoned, but I found no heart and soul in the idea; the story needed a real human struggle to move forward.  Even after outlining and completing the script, it changed substantially.  Since I was producing the film as well, I would often don my producer hat and remove scenes or sequences to accommodate budget considerations. 

Can you talk about any visual influences? I see a bit of ‘Scanners’ in there! 

During the script’s second iteration, the story moved from a typical sterile lab in an urban setting to a DIY operation in small-town Texas.  Given I live in the Lone Star State, this was easily envisioned.  The change required me to rethink visuals - avoid a blue-grey color scheme, that is - and move to a palette that complemented the new location.  No Country for Old Men and Hell or High Water influenced me greatly.  

And, I imagine, the idea is for audiences to come away thinking ‘wow, this could actually happen’?

Exactly!  This had to be based on plausible science.  With the recent news about Neuralink reading and brain-wave interpretation - a means to transform analog waves to digital waves - the reverse is theoretically possible.  It also poses the question, “If your digital memory can live beyond your living years, what is death, or on a deeper level; who are you?”

Any ideas for a sequel?

Absolutely.  The film leaves open the prospect of a sequel.  I would be thrilled to see audiences catch on to the possibility.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Competition: Win Central Park on DVD

Central Park is released on DVD on 26th of April

And to celebrate we have a great competition for you and 3 copies on DVD to give away.

In this contemporary spin on the slasher genre, a group of New York teens arrange a party in Central Park where a masked executioner prepares to kill them one by one. Is the maniac the mythical wolfman rumoured to live in the park or is he a victim of corporate greed hell bent on revenge.

CENTRAL PARK starring Grace Van Patten (Under The Silver Lake), Ruby Modine (Satanic Panic), Deema Aitken (The Wolf of Wall Street) and Justin A Davis (FBI).

April 26th is the UK and Ireland release date where CENTRAL PARK will be available to buy on DVD from Asda, Amazon, HMV and to stream from Sky Store, Amazon Prime, i-Tunes and Google Play.

Buy From Amazon at

For your chance to win just answer the question below.


Terms and conditions
1. Closing date 03-05-21
2. No alternative prize is available
3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
5. Entries that come directly from other websites will not be accepted.

COMPETITION: Win The Seventh Day on DVD

The Seventh Day is released on DVD on 26th of April

And to celebrate we have a great competition for you and 3 copies on DVD to give away.

In this fresh and terrifying new horror, a renowned exorcist teams up with a rookie for his first day of training. As they plunge deeper into hell on earth, the lines between good and evil blur, and their own demons emerge. 

From the mind of acclaimed new horror writer-director Justin P. Lange (The Dark), The Seventh Day stars Guy Pearce (Prometheus, Memento), Vadhir Derbez (How to Be a Latin Lover, Sense8), Keith David (21 Bridges, They Live) and Stephen Lang (VFW, Avatar).

Dazzler Media presents The Seventh Day on DVD & Digital from 26th April

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Terms and conditions
1. Closing date 03-05-21
2. No alternative prize is available
3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
5. Entries that come directly from other websites will not be accepted.

Monday 19 April 2021

COMPETITION: Win Raw Limited Edition on Blu-ray

Raw Limited Edition is released on Blu-ray on 25th of April

And to celebrate we have a great competition for you and a copy on Blu-ray to give away.

Get ready to tuck into a meaty treat with Raw, the deliciously dark tale of a strict vegetarian who discovers a taste for human flesh after heading to a brutal veterinary college where initiation ceremonies are the norm. Second Sight has cooked up a special Limited Edition Blu-ray of this horror hit due to be dished up on 26 April 2021.

Julia Ducournau’s shocking feature film debut was acclaimed by critics after a barnstorming debut at Toronto International Film Festival, where paramedics had to be called after audience members fainted at the film’s premiere. Now, after wowing audiences on itsinitial release, Second Sight has pulled the Raw ingredientstogether for a lip-smacking Limited Edition release packed full of extras and served up in a sumptuous rigid slipcase with a booklet containing essays and interviews and three collector’s art cards.

Shy student Justine (Garance Marillier, due to make her English language debut in sci-fi thriller Warning alongside Alice Eve), heads to a veterinary school and is subjected a tough series of hazing rituals from fellow students. And it’s even tougher for vegetarian Justine asshe is covered in blood and forced to eat raw meat. But after tasting the flesh, Justine finds herself craving even more meat – and it doesn’t matter if it’s animal or human as her uncontrollable desires lead to a horrific outcome.

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Terms and conditions
1. Closing date 03-05-21
2. No alternative prize is available
3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
5. Entries that come directly from other websites will not be accepted.

Competition: Win The Terror Season 1 on Blu-ray

The Terror is released on Blu-ray on 25th of April

And to celebrate we have a great competition for you a 2 copies on Blu-ray to give away.

Starring Jared Harris (Chernobyl), Ciaran Hinds (Game of Thrones) and Tobias Menzies (The Crown), The Terror is inspired by the British Royal Navy's real life expedition into uncharted territory as the crew attempts to discover the fabled Northwest Passage. Finding instead a monstrous, gothic horror that stalks the boats and the minds of the men in a desperate game of survival, the men are forced to face their worst fears. Frozen, isolated and stuck at the end of the earth, the crew must simultaneously battle the elements, the supernatural and eventually themselves to try to overcome the true Terror. This is the UK BBC listing with English language with English subtitles

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For your chance to win just answer the question below.


Terms and conditions
1. Closing date 03-05-21
2. No alternative prize is available
3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
5. Entries that come directly from other websites will not be accepted.

Thursday 15 April 2021

Paranormal forces take over Horror Channel in May


Paranormal forces take over Horror Channel in May with SUPERNATURAL WEEK, eight nights of ghostly scares highlighted by the Channel premieres of PARANORMAL ACTIVTY, the low-budget horror film that became a global phenomenon and David Robert Mitchell’s creepy body horror hit, IT FOLLOWS.

The special event also sees the return of genre favourites such as demon chiller FIRSTBORN, with Misfits star Antonia Laura Thomas, John Carpenter’s classic car-rage chiller CHRISTINE, the twisted supernatural gasper SINISTER, starring Ethan Hawke, the star-studded supernatural cult classic FLATLINERS, with Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland and Kevin Bacon, the paranormal chiller THE QUIET ONES and Sean Byrne’s THE DEVIL’S CANDY; a devastating ride into psychological trauma, starring Ethan Embry

Full film details in transmission order:

Saturday 15 May @ 21:00 – PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (2007) *Channel Premiere

Katie and Micah, a carefree couple, become haunted by an unseen presence in their house. They decide to investigate the increasingly bizarre and escalating intrusions by setting up a video camera to capture evidence of the demonic presence in their house, only to find much more than they ever imagined. The huge global success of the film, shot in a week, ushered in a new era of low budget tech inspired ‘found-footage’ movies.

Sunday 16 May @ 21:00 – CHRISTINE (1983)

High school geek Arnie Cunningham falls in love with "Christine", a bright red 1958 Plymouth Fury which has seen much better days. Setting himself the task of restoring the car to its original condition, Arnie has become consumed with passion for the sleek, rounded, chrome-laden car. His friends are horrified but it’s too late - anyone seeking to come between them becomes the victim of Christine's horrifying wrath.

Monday 17 May @ 21:00 – SINISTER (2012)

Desperately in need of a best seller to revive his struggling career, true crime writer Ellison (Ethan Hawke), moves his family to the scene of his most recent story; the unsolved, gruesome murder of a loving, happy suburban family. Shunned by the local community and strained by his obligations to his family, the discovery of a batch of home movies in the attic offers Ellison shocking proof to the crime he is investigating and the terrifying realisation that his investigation may be putting his family in mortal danger.

Tuesday 18 May @ 21:00 – FLATLINERS (1990)

Five ambitious medical students embark on a daring experiment: to push through the confines of life and touch the face of death. To help him venture into this realm, manipulative Nelson Wright (Kiefer Sutherland) has recruited  death expert (Julia Roberts), former med student (Kevin Bacon), ladies-man (William Baldwin), and the brilliant but self-absorbed documentarian (Oliver Platt). They soon find, however, that they don't return alone from their peek at the afterlife; they bring back manifestations of their past transgressions…

Wednesday 19 May @ 21:00 – THE QUIET ONES (2014)

A group of students, led by an eccentric professor (Jared Harris), prepare to conduct an experiment on a troubled young woman who insists she has been possessed by an evil doll. However, as they delve deeper they soon face a hellish ordeal.

Thursday 20 May @ 21:00 – THE DEVIL’S CANDY (2015)

Unfulfilled artist Jesse Hellman (Ethan Embry) moves his wife and fellow metal music-loving teenage daughter Zooey into a rustic Texas home with a violent past. Soon his paintings start taking on a darker, disturbing and more prophetic turn as anxieties get ramped up family tensions. Then the clearly unbalanced Ray appears on his doorstep wanting to move back where his parents tragically died. And when Ray sees Zooey, nothing prepares the family for the shocking chain of events.

Friday 21 May @ 21:00 – FIRSTBORN (2016)

Charlie and James are just starting their lives together. Young and in love, they’re relishing having no responsibilities until Charlie discovers she is pregnant. In a moment of youthful abandon, they decide to keep the baby. So into their world comes Thea, a beautiful girl. But her arrival brings with it terrifying entities that threaten their newly formed family

Saturday 22 May @ 21:00 –  IT FOLLOWS (2014) *Channel Premiere

For 19-year-old Jay (Maika Monroe), the fall should be about school, boys and weekends out at the lake. But after a seemingly innocent sexual encounter, she finds herself plagued by strange visions and the inescapable sense that someone, or something, is following her. Faced with this burden, Jay and her teenage friends must find a way to escape the horrors