Showing posts with label Eleanor Merry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eleanor Merry. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Interview with Eleanor Merry - By David Kempf

When did you first become interested in writing?

In high school. I liked to write a lot which was a mix of loving books and putting pen to paper, as well as some good ol’ teen angst in the mix. There was some pretty terrible poetry involved that I hope never sees the light of day.

How did you get involved in fantasy/horror?

I’ve been into horror since I was a kid which was largely inspired by my dad. He would stay up watching late-night horror movies and I would sneak out to watch with him. Pretty sure I saw some pretty non-age appropriate things, but it fascinated rather than scared me. As I got older my tolerance and interest only grew.

Tell us about your first publisher. 

As of the time of this interview, I am self-published and love it! When I decided to start writing with the intent to publish, I did a lot of research

How would you classify the genre you write?

I have three books in my series, Dead Aware, and I also run a collection of anthologies under Macabre Ladies.

Dead Aware is a pretty unique brand of post-apocalyptic fiction. It’s a series following a couple who are essentially ‘zombies’ and have to navigate the world where everyone hates them and considers them lesser. Some serious feels to go along with some awesome action and twists.

So far the anthology collection we are working on is the holiday horror collection. These are flash fiction stories with holiday themes. Quick, gory and fun. So far, we have Dark X-Mas, Dark Valentine and Dark Solstice.

Why do you think horror and fantasy books remain so popular?

Morbid curiosity.

Seriously, though. We, as human beings, tend to have an interest in things that disgust us or things that allow us to pretend. People love to live vicariously, and horror and fantasy are two of the polar opposites to how (I hope) most of us live that they hold particular appeal.

What inspires your stories?

Other amazing words. I have always been a huge reader and I love how a good book can take you away and create that special world in your head. Reading a good book inspires me like no other so when I’m in a writing slump, I’ll read something and usually it helps.

What do you think the difference between American horror and British horror is?

I like americans tend to lean more towards supernatural, not liking how close to home some ‘true horror’ is. Whereas the UK is full of ghosts and they’ve had their fill, and are way more about the serial killers.

What are your favorite horror books?

I don’t think you can make me answer this.
Honestly, the list is neverending. If you’re going to make me choose some: Jigsaw Man by Gord Rollo, Urban Gothic by Brian Keene, The Ruins by Scott Smith, The Troop by Nick Cutter, Clowns vs Spiders by Jeff Strand, I Am Legend Richard Matheson

What are some of your favorite horror movies?

Again, not too fond of this question…

I tend to love cheesy stuff. Older slasher stuff (Chucky is a personal fave but Myers and Jason were close second and thirds) and I’m a sucker for zombies. Also, always loved a good ridiculous gore-fest like Saw or Hostel, or something more comedic Tusk (the latter is hilarious if anyone hasn’t seen it)

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment as an author?

I don’t think I’ve accomplished enough greatness on my journey yet to say. I will say that the thing that makes me feel the most accomplished is getting positive and unsolicited feedback from fans. Nothing else really resonates like it.

Do you have any advice for new writers?

Just keep writing and don’t delete anything. It is very cliche, but you can’t edit an empty page. Also, read lots. Keep notes on things that you like or don’t. Does an author do too many flashbacks? Do you like how they separate character point of views? What is it that keeps you reading? Make note of the things that work so you can use them, or not, in your own writing.

What is your opinion of the new self-publishing trend?

I think it’s a good thing for readers and authors. The hardest and worst part, as a self-published author, is the bad stigma it gets. Yes, there are books out there that really needed a paid editor and cover artist, or a decent formatter. There are also some amazing gems and books that are well thought out and edited properly. People like myself, that have decided to spend the time and money to do it ourselves, step by step. It’s opened up something for people that have that drive to do it. Is it inundated with stuff that needs some quality control? Sure. But at the same time, I see any type of sharing of words or inspiring creativity to be a good thing.

What are your current projects?

Well, there is what I am supposed to be working on, and what I am actually working on. I should be working on Dead Aware 3, but have gotten sidetracked. The current front and center is a really twisted story of a child raised by a female torture-artist.

There’s also a story involving a Find-A-Victim phone app, something involving a lust demon, and a few shorts.

Also working on a new drabbles collection for Macabre Ladies, Drabbles of Dread, which will be out this summer.

Please in your own words, write a paragraph about yourself & your work. 

Colourful-haired, friendly, Canadian mom, author, and mentor.
Pretty easy summation?
Okay, okay, I can try a bit harder.
I am a Canadian, eh, from Vancouver and work in the travel industry by day. By night, I wrangle a tiny human and write stories. I enjoy carbs and melted cheese. Oh, I also run anthologies. And write stories. Did I mention I read a lot?

I love helping other authors and collaborating with people in general. You can find me very active in the Books of Horror group on Facebook and the corresponding author group. All the books, all the time.

Lots more of really amazing things in progress and I can’t wait to show everyone some more twisted and amazing words!

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